Do You Struggle With Uneven Skintone

Do you know what the number one skin care concern is for Black women? 

It’s dark spots. Uneven skin tone. Hyperpigmentation.

All the same thing really and might be a large part of the reason skin lightening creams are pushed so hard to us. 

Did you know that hydroquinone - a lightening agent - can actually cause darkening in our skin with long term use? 

Self defeating isn't it?  

This may also explain why as Black women we have a higher level of beauty related toxic chemicals built up in our bodies. 

The bottom line is yes, dark spots are so annoying & I hate them as much as you, but we can’t resort to harmful products that alter our health. 

That’s not the move, sis. 

And while foundation is great, healthy skin is even better. 

So let’s break down what we need - because it’s not “lighter” skin. 

Brighter and even, yes. Not light. 

Two big things that are relatively easy to do - be consistent & drink more water. 

  • Next, find a good cleanser, preferably one with salicylic acid to help resurface your skin and declog those pores. 

  • Exfoliate. At least once a week, okay? You can do that with products such as this mask

And you can also exfoliate with a gentle (and Earth friendly) brush such as this - just use it with your cleanser! 

Antioxidants and vitamin c are the holy grail for giving you an even and bright face. 

  • Pair those ingredients with a serum and you get a higher concentration of those active ingredients. Like this one: 

  • Last (well almost). Moisturize. Yes, even if you have oily skin (because that can be a sign of dehydration). Just pick a gentle, non-greasy face lotion. I suggest this yummy one

  • Last - for real this time. SUNSCREEN. Yep, I said it. Now do it. Here

Let me know what else you use (or do) to help even out your skin tone and support your health.