Take It Natural: Aloe Vera & Black Skincare

Sometimes we overcomplicate things. 

Especially when it comes to the best skincare - the cleanest, safest skincare products. 

In a recent event we did where we had the wonderful opportunity to hear from an OBGYN about endocrine disrupting products, she said something that hit home.

“Sometimes we just need to take it to our roots.”

Meaning, the land. Mother Nature and her resources. 

One way you can do that is by incorporating aloe vera into your beauty and skincare routine.

Aloe vera is a wonderful plant for Black women and their skin. 

It moisturizes. It heals wounds. 

Aloe vera also reduces hyperpigmentation and prevents further melanin from developing around the “injury”. 

In addition, aloe vera is both antiviral and antibacterial. It also helps collagen and is anti aging.


So much so. Aloe vera (naturally) includes:

  • Vitamins like A, C, E, B12, folic acid and choline

  • Enzymes (8 different ones)

  • Minerals

  • Fatty Acids

You can use aloe vera by buying a leaf or buying a plant with the intention of using its leaves.

  • Cut the leaf into horizontal slices and then into chunks.

  • Avoid the yellow gel that naturally comes from the plant. 

  • Use the clear gel part and rub on your face for 10-20 minutes before rinsing off. You could also use it as an overnight mask.

Freeze whatever parts you don’t use within 2-3 days.

Doesn’t Mother Nature always have your back?