Cosmetic Regulation, The FDA, & Greenwashing

Let me just be honest with you - this personal care products industry is the wild, wild west y’all. 

Think about this. 

It’s a $90 billion & something industry, in which the FDA stands to have nearly zero hold on consumer protection. 

How sway? 

In a recent hearing a representative of the FDA was asked these questions:

Can the FDA review the safety of baby lotion before it comes to market? No.

Can the FDA require a manufacturer to not use a toxic ingredient? No. 

Add that to the fact that companies have admitted to using something like 93 ingredients that have been linked to cancer and reproductive harm. 

News flash. They don’t care because $$$. 

Which brings me to a growing problem we are facing currently - greenwashing. 

If we are going to remain blunt about this, greenwashing is simply a sales tactic. Companies use words such as:

  • Natural

  • Free (of)

  • Eco-friendly

  • Cruelty Free

  • Renewable

  • Sustainable

And others only because consumers have started to educate themselves and search for safer products.

But... brands are regulating themselves. So not only is there no definition for these words to adhere to, there is also no authority checking on these claims. 

So there is no accountability & no standard to be met or kept. 

We went from a space of not knowing toxic ingredients were in our products to being in a market that is intentionally deceptive because of our growing awareness. 

Like I said, the wild, wild west where safety is not defined. 

So what can you do? 

As always. Education & personal due diligence is always going to win here in this space. 

You can also look for brands that have written standards when it comes to clean products. Not only does that create transparency, but it also sets (to some extent) an expectation to rely on and trust. 

Don’t automatically trust external verification - certified organic can be anything from 70-100% organic ingredients depending on the certification requirements. 

Read a product’s ingredients in their entirety (or scan with the EWG Healthy Living App). Some companies will focus their packing on one ingredient to trick you into thinking it’s a cleaner alternative. 

You can always shop our trusted brands, too!