Cosmetics and Immunotoxicity. It matters.

Your immune system.

It’s always something to think about at the beginning of a new season - especially fall. Especially during a pandemic. 

But what about when you’re thinking about a detox? We focus on a food detox, a stress detox, and even a social media detox.

So why aren’t we thinking about the levels of toxins affecting our immune system? 

Let me be the one to bring up the conversation, then. I want to talk about immunotoxicity.

What is it? Immunotoxicity is what happens when adverse effects happen to the functioning of both local and systemic immune systems that result from the exposure to toxic substances.

So, in other words, basically what happens to your immune system when it absorbs foreign substances. 

The two biggest absorbers of toxins that affect your immune system are your skin and your lungs. 

Think of the products you come in contact with that are exposing these two organs to potential harm. 

See why you should care? 

If not, let me tell you what happens when you have a weakened immune system. 

A weakened immune system contracts viruses easier - it’s safe to assume we all know that. However, did you know that beyond the risk of a cold and fever virus a weakened immune system also increases your risk of cancer and things like HIV? 

Let’s take it one step further. The parts of your immune system that are susceptible are your skin, tonsils and your endocrine system. 

Yep - those are part of your immune system.

See what I said? Your endocrine system...remember what that all means? 

There’s the connection. If you’re putting harmful chemicals on your skin that absorb the harmful toxins that have been linked to endocrine disruption and increased cancer risk, you're exacerbating the issues that come with a weakened immune system. 

Okay. Here’s how I help keep things manageable. Here are four ingredients to watch for due to their serious ties to immunotoxicity. 

  • Fragrance. It’s a known human immune toxicant. And we are gonna keep talking about this. Also, check out what California is doing to make products safer for their folks.

  • Nitrosamines. Look for DEA or TEA in your ingredients. This evil doer isn’t listed as an ingredient because it’s actually an impurity that happens when DEA and TEA break down into nitrates. The concern is organ toxicity and cancer. You’ll find nitrosamines in some mascara, concealer, conditioner, baby shampoo, and pain salve. 

  • Teflon. Listed as PTFE or ingredients that start as polytetra- and polyperfl-. It’s a compound you can compare to flame retardants. Yep. The concern is reproductive toxicity and cancer. You will find this ingredient in foundation, makeup powders, bronzer, eyeshadow, lip balm, anti-aging lotion and shave gel. Don’t think this isn’t serious either. They have found Teflon in the body/umbilical cord of nearly every developing fetus.

  • Dimethylamine is a silicone that keeps oils and water blended. The problem is its link to lung toxicity. Watch for this in shampoos. 

It’s not just about being “clean” for a fad. It’s about your health and the serious harm you’re being exposed to when you don’t educate yourself and read ingredient labels. 

Choose safer, sis. I’m rooting for you.