5 Ingredients to Always Avoid - Download your free guide!

When you’re first starting to dive into living a healthier lifestyle, the amount of information surrounding “wellness” can be straight up overwhelming.

It seems like we’re constantly being told to ‘eat this’ & to ‘give up that’. 

For example, I’m usually confused when always asking myself, if certain fruits and veggies are something I should be buying the organic version of? 

And I’m sure many of you have already heard the words parabens and phthalates being passed around throughout the last year or so. 

The biggest thing I hear when it comes to switching to safer in the beauty and personal care products space is - How can I make this as simple as possible? 

I mean, if the FDA isn’t regulating our products, then how is the everyday person supposed to really know how to dissect labels and an ingredient list??! 

The second question I hear the most is - What does clean beauty even mean? 

To the second question, clean beauty (to me anyway) means products that do not have ingredients in them that have been linked to harmful health issues. 

Think about it. Everything we put on our skin has the potential to be absorbed into our skin, into our blood, inhaled through our lungs, ingested from our lips, etc. 

Now, when endocrine disruption and cancer are on the table as an adverse side effect we really need to start asking some more prying questions. 

On top of that, what are the issues that arise when these chemicals accumulate in our body over 20 or 30 years? 

So often when we think of wellness and getting healthy, the focus is on nutrition and cardio. You have to be paying attention to what goes ON your body if you are serious about your health, as well though! Now and in the future. 

Just a “fun fact”. The European Union bans something close to 1,300 chemicals in beauty products. Want to know how many the United States bans? 11. 

Ready to start advocating for yourself and your health yet? 

If you want to see my personal favorite products - check out our shop page.

Okay. So question one. How do we make this simple? Download my free guide - 5 Ingredients to Always Avoid.

You can also download the EWG app & scan the barcode on your products! 

Choose you. Choose safer.